Thursday, December 18, 2008

About my poems.....

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You are never given a wish
without being given the power to make it come true.

Don't let today's disappointments
cast a shadow on tomorrow's dreams.

Hari Kelam


berjalan menerobos semak belukar

menelusuri hari kelam yang tertutup awan hitam

langkahkan kaki yang penuh goresan luka mengering

burung-burung terbang kembali ke sarangnya

bunga-bunga merunduk menyembunyikan keindahannya


tak ada lagi yang melihat diriku

matanya telah tertutup debu

bidadari hitam yang tersenyum pada dunia

tanpa keraguan di hatinya

mengayunkan langkahnya mendekatiku

melemparkan debu di atas deritaku


menggeliat meronta berteriak

memanggil keadilan yang tak kunjung terlihat

menanti datangnya terang yang telah lama menghilang

lelah letih diri ini

menghirup angin kepalsuan

harap yang tak jua berbalas

akankah ada segores senyum di wajahku

menutup hari yang kelam


If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you!


Do it trembling if you must,

but do it !

All men who have achieved great things
have been great dreamers.

The past cannot be changed,
the future is still in your power.
Thank You

The sun sets
Upon the golden sand
We sit together
Hand in hand

We gently embrace
And look into each other's eyes
I wonder if you are
An angel in disguise

You hold me
Like there's no tomorrow
I suddenly forget
The past sorrow

I kiss your soft lips
And you kiss mine
I never knew
Loving someone could be this fine

You pick me up
And carry me to our room
Oh how a love can blossom
And a heart can bloom.

Your touch is so gentle
But your hands so strong
How could a love like this
Ever go wrong?

My heart is beating
200 times a minute
Because my love
You are in it

The sound of your heartbeat
All through the night
We fall asleep in each other's arms
And wake to the morning light.

I look into your eyes
And this is when
I say "Thank You"
For teaching me to love again...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The only place where dreams are impossible
is in your own mind.